SCF Dev Main

WEBXR Oculus Tests

Simple 360 sky and basic scene primitives
Oculus Quest 2 controllers test 1 - Use thumbsticks to change the sphere's color
Oculus Quest 2 controllers test 2 - Trigger and Grip buttons move the sphere in X ad Y
Oculus Quest 2 controllers test 3 - External .js file
Oculus Quest 2 controllers test 4 - Teleporting. Press down on either thumbstick
Oculus Quest 2 controllers test 5 - Raycasting test 1
Oculus Quest 2 controllers test 6 - Raycasting trigger clicks with 'cursor'
Oculus Quest 2 controllers test 7 - same with 'laser-controls'
AFrame loading.gltf TPose models downloaded from Mixamo
AFrame external html template test A, B, C - click A Button to test
GLB files - Adobe Medium sculpt and quick texture paint and vertex color test in Blender

Embedded 640x480 non-VR
Embedded 1024x720 non-VR
Embedded 1024x720 non-VR Sky 360 Image added

Webcam test

Three JS Basic HDR 001